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Windows 2008/IIS 7 - DotNetPanel advantages

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Below are some of the advantages of our hosting plans with Windows 2008/IIS 7 & DotNetPanel: 

1) IIS 7 web server is more secure than the IIS 6 – this essentially reduces the risk of website hacking. 
2) IIS 7 has a new module for PHP support – FastCGI. This provides a tremendous increase in the performance of PHP applications. 
3) There are some modules in ASP.NET 3.5 (like MVC) that need IIS 7 to execute. 
4) DotNetPanel has inbuilt tools for taking backup of SQL Server/MySQL databases, restoring the backup truncating the database log files. Hence, your customers can perform these tasks from within the control panel without the need to open a ticket and manually back up/restore the databases. 
5) DotNetPanel allows the customers to set up files/folders NTFS read/write/modify permissions without the need to open a ticket for us to do it manually from the server. 
6) DotNetPanel allows having a single FTP user which can be shared amongst multiple websites.
7) DotNetPanel allows the Resellers to create resellers under them (Helm only allows to create end users under resellers).

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