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How to restrict a user from sending or receiving emails.

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How to restrict a user from sending or receiving emails.

1. Login into SmarterMail 16 dashboard with the domain administrator user.

2. click on the mail domain

3. Click on Manage button and impersonate domain administrator user.

4. Click on username for which you want to restrict sending or receiving emails.

5. Under the Service Access tab, by default, all options will be enabled. To disable the services access check the appropriate option and click on Save button. This service can be managed for each user. Below are the descriptions of the service.

--> Webmail: Enable this option to allow users to log into SmarterMail from the webmail interface.

--> POP: Enable this option to allow the user to download mail to an email client using POP3.

-->IMAP: Enable this option to allow the user to create a two-way email sync between SmarterMail and an email client using IMAP.

--> Incoming SMTP: Enable this option to allow users to receive an email from external domains.

--> Outgoing SMTP: Enable this option to allow users to send email to external domains.

--> Chat XMPP: Enable this option to allow users to set up third-party chat clients like Adium, Pidgin and Windows Live Messenger for use with SmarterMail's live chat features. This setting is only available when you have SmarterMail Enterprise.


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