You can use the below code (by making required configuration changes) for sending out emails using SMTP authentication through Classic ASP:
<% Dim intError Dim strResult Function SendMail(SMTPServer, SMTPUserName, SMTPPassword, EMailFrom, EMailTo, EMailCc, EMailBcc, EMailSubject, EMailType, EMailContent) Dim cdoConfig Dim cdoMessage Dim intErr Set cdoConfig = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") With cdoConfig.Fields .Item(cdoSendUsingMethod) = cdoSendUsingPort .Item(cdoSMTPServer) = SMTPServer .Item(cdoSMTPAuthenticate) = 1 .Item(cdoSendUsername) = SMTPUserName .Item(cdoSendPassword) = SMTPPassword .Update End With Set cdoMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message") With cdoMessage Set .Configuration = cdoConfig If Len(Trim(CStr(EMailFrom))) = 0 Then .From = SMTPUserName Else .From = EMailFrom End If .To = EMailTo If Len(Trim(CStr(EMailCc))) <> 0 Then .Cc = EMailCc If Len(Trim(CStr(EMailBcc))) <> 0 Then .Bcc = EMailBcc .Subject = EmailSubject If EMailType = "text" Then .TextBody = EMailContent ElseIf EMailType = "html" Then .HTMLBody = EMailContent End If .Send intErr = Err.Number End With Set cdoMessage = Nothing Set cdoConfig = Nothing SendMail = intErr Session("ErrDescription")=Err.Description End Function intError = SendMail("your-mailserver-ip", "", "smtp-password", "send-from-email", "send-to-email", "send-cc-email", "send-bcc-email", "email-subject", "text", "email-body") If intError = 0 Then 'No errors, mail sent strResult = "The mail has been sent successfully." Else strResult = "There was a problem sending the mail" End if Response.Write(strResult) %>