For reliable cloud and local backup, you can restore files using Acronis backup for WHM & cPanel in web hosting services, as well as granular, self-service recovery of cPanel accounts, files, databases, and mailboxes.
Restore Files using Acronis Backup
- Login to your cPanel account and go to Acronis Backup.
- Under the Backups tab is the date of each recovery point in the backup server. Click on the date you are willing to restore your data, Next,
- If you want to restore the website files click on Files.
- If you want to restore the website database click on Databases.
- If you want to restore the email messages click on Files > mail followed with your domain name for example (mail/example.com).
3. Select the file or the database or the email you want to restore and click on
Recover. A message will appear with
In progress status, it will take some time to finish. And when it’s done, a message with
Succeeded status will appear.