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What should my connection string look like?

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If you are migrating from SQL Express to SQL 2005 server you will need to change your connection string in the web config file to contain the following values: 

<add name="[Cnct String Name]" connectionString="Data Source=[Your Sql Server]; initial catalog=[Your Database Name]; user ID=[Your User Name]; password=[Your Password]" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />   

Replace the values ([Your Database Name], [Your User Name], [Your Password]) with your own database values.  

You specify these when you create your database in Dot Net Panel.  The value [Your SQL Server] should be the IP address of your SQL Server as specified in the database settings in the helm control panel Replace the value [Cnct String Name] with the name of the connection string that your ASP.NET application is expecting.  

This varies by ASP.NET application. Some common applications and connection string names: Commerce Starter Kit 2.0: 2 identical connection strings named "CommerceTemplate" and "LocalSqlServer" DotNetNuke: SiteSqlServer.  Also, in App Settings, there is a key named "SiteSqlServer" that should have the same connection string.  

Note: Do not add a semi-colon (;) at the end of your connection string!  Leave the last semi-colon out ... otherwise, you may encounter issues when the SqlClient parses the connection string.

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