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Activate SmarterMail License

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In order for SmarterMail to function for more than 10 mailboxes or more than one domain, the product must be activated using a valid license key. You will need to activate your Smartermail license using the license details sent in SmarterBundle after signing up. 

You can do this through the following steps. 
1. Log in to SmarterMail as the system administrator. Please use the username/password mentioned in the login details email sent to you or the one that has been set up when you installed SmarterMail. 
2. Click Settings in the main toolbar. 
3. Click the Settings navigation pane. 
4. Expand the Activation folder. 
5. Click Licensing in the left tree view. 
6. Click Activate in the actions toolbar. 
7. Type the license key in the License Key field. 
8. Click Next. 
9. Type the email address and password associated with your SmarterTools account in the appropriate fields. 10. Click OK.

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