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How to Install WordPress Through Softaculous?

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The WordPress script can be installed within few steps through Softaculous. Just follow below steps once you get the cPanel login credentials.

  1. Login to your cPanel account.
  2. Select and launch Softaculous Apps Installer.


  3. Select WordPress from the list of scripts and click on Install button.


  4. One the next screen, fill-up below information about your website.
Software Setup

  • Choose the version you want to install: Select the WordPress version from dropdown menu.
  • Choose Protocol: Select an appropriate protocol for your website.
  • Choose Domain: Select domain name upon which you wish to install WordPress.
  • In Directory: If you want to install the WordPress in a sub-directory, please specify in box, or keep it blank if you wish to install WordPress setup in root directory.


Site Settings

  • Site Name: Specify the site name here.
  • Site Description: Put brief description of your website.
  • Enable Multiple (WPMU): Tick this box, if you wish to install multi-site WordPress setup.
Admin Account

  • Admin Username: Specify Admin username here.
  • Admin Password: Enter strong password.
  • Admin Email: Provide your admin email address of WordPress setup.
Choose Language

Select Language: Select your choice of language.


Select Plugins

Under this section, you can enable predefined plugins by just checking respective checkbox.

Advanced Options

  • Database Name: Enter the name of database for WordPress installation.
  • Table Prefix: Table prefix you wish to specify.
  • Disable Update Notifications Emails: If checked you will not receive an email notification for updates available for this installation.
  • Auto Upgrade: Select the automatic upgrade preference for this installation when a new version is available
  • Auto Upgrade WordPress Plugins: If checked, all the active WordPress plugins installed for this installation will be automatically upgraded to the latest version when your script installation is upgraded.
  • Auto Upgrade WordPress Themes: If checked, the active WordPress theme for this installation will be automatically upgraded to the latest version when your script installation is upgraded.
  • Backup Location: Choose the backup location to be used while backing up this installation
  • Automated backups: Softaculous will take automated backups via CRON as per the frequency you select
  • Backup Rotation: If the backup rotation limit is reached Softaculous will delete the oldest backup for this installation and create a new backup.


Select Theme

Select your choice of theme to be installed with WordPress setup. Also, you can receive installation details to your email address by specifying your mailbox in field Email installation details to. This will take a few minutes and at the end of the setup, you’ll receive WordPress dashboard login details.


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